C-Bond I Glass Strengthener

The only scientifically proven glass strengthener on the market! C-Bond has been used in the government, military and police sector but now its available to our commercial customers exclusively through Commercial Window Tinting Denver (CWTD).

C-Bond I is a patent protected, multi-purpose glass strengthening primer and window film mounting solution. This product was designed specifically for commercial buildings, such as courthouses, military bases, government facilities, federal facilities, banks, jewelry stores, dispensaries, police stations, etc. as well as schools and residential properties. Commercial Window Tinting Denver is one of only two window film companies in Colorado authorized to install this product. It’s ideal for anyone concerned about unlawful entry or vandalism. C-Bond provides an extra layer of protection against:

  • Forced Entry
  • Gunshots
  • Bomb Blasts
  • Hurricane Winds up to 140 mph
  • Hail
  • Flying Rocks and Debris
  • Baseballs
  • Golf balls

This water based, non-toxic primer solution was designed using innovative nano-technology and is guaranteed to significantly increase the structural integrity of glass, enhance glass flexibility and improve the performance of window film-to-glass products. C-Bond Glass Strengthener makes glass 100 times stronger and it’s the only scientifically proven glass strengthener on the market. GSA Certified and UL Listed, C-Bond I is an affordable solution for structures requiring an extra level of protection.


C-Bond I Specification PDF below. “The only scientifically proven glass strengthener on the market”.